What is TelepsychAI?

TelepsychAI aims to help people find the right psychologits for their needs using artificial-intelligence. Australia alone has over 30,000 registered psychologists. Let us find the right one for you. Our vision is to create a platform where clients and psychologists will be able to work together in sessions, set goals and see the progress happen.

How is TelepsychAI different to other platforms out there?

When researching this issue, we conducted a wide-ranging survey. 68% of our respondents said that inspite of the tools that exist out there, they couldn't find a psychologist that they felt comfortable with. TelepsychAI is not a run of the mill directory service, we use our data-driven techniques to match people to the psychologists best suited to their needs. The best part is, as more users use our platform, the better our recommendations will become.

I tried the platform, but I didn't find a psychologist best-suited to me?

We are very sorry that you couldn't find the right psychologist from the list of recommendations given by us. Please contact us at admin@telepsychai.com.au and we will make sure to assist you in finding the right person. We aim to help everyone find the right people at the earliest.

I have some feedback

Since this is in BETA, we expect bugs to occur. We are working to improve our recomendation system to provide the best help possible and also provide some of the other features to make therapy more collaborative and effective. If you have any feedback for us or would like to report an issue, please send us an email at admin@telepsychai.com.au. We guarantee you will get a response from our CEO.